




-----Relational Being, Kenneth J. Gergen 



I always doubt if anything at all is meant to be seen in a certain way? or more to that, people with the label of "good" should not be too greedy, not too sad, can't be lazy, who shouldn't linger in drinking or gambling actiities or etc. Or, people who once stydied abroad will normally sentenced right away to death with the lable of "rich" and nothing more persuasive description could wipe that out.  



I am not sure what does "abroad" mean to you? For me it means different cultures, race, background, or you may also refer to different angle of seeing things, and that is exactly what I need and have learned from them. People or places outside of your world share stories, one and only that connects you to them are the most precious after all, not only the topic of beautiful scenaries, higher wages, or luxury brand matters. What you see is what you get, but sometimes, nothing is waht you think it is.     

我不確定“國外"對你們來說代表著什麼?對我來說,那代表著不一樣文化,種族,背景,或你也可以說是不一樣的角度與看法, 而這些才是我需要和真正學到的。到最後,這些人事物與你分享的故事將緊緊牽絆著你,那才是最珍貴的。自己以外的世界的話題真的不僅限於美麗的風景,崇高的薪水或是精品。你看見什麼,就會得到什麼,但有時候,不是每一件事,都和你的想的一樣。



I am not proud just because of staying a few years abroad, and you shoud not envy those who did even it looks that much glamorous. There is this friend who once told me that if he could ever choose again, he wouldn't want spending all those time abroad and being alone, for that I mean if you really spend almost a decade out persued your junior high school way up to university.  We definitely gain something, but he lost somthing, I lost somthing, and you could never judge the pros and cons. Most of all, you should not waste your time on only outwardly apparent rather than genuine or actual.


For a long time, I hate the place where I came from, and for even much longer, going farther and further is my one and only wish. To get this far, I must say it was really hard and for that i fought with all of my stengths.


 I perceived myself as a rebellious being, who is having a mind that doesn't seem to fit so well with her surrounding. But, I like my choice. 




『人生是沒有橡皮檫的繪畫藝術。意義並不是你某天忽然發現的,就像謎語的答案或尋寶的獎品。意義是你在人生中累積出來的某種東西,它出自你的過去,出自你的情感與忠誠,出自你已經體會到那身而為人的經驗,出自你自己的才華與認知,出自你相信的事物,出自你熱愛的人與事,出自你願意做出某些犧牲以爭取的價值。所有的原料都在那裡,你是那個唯一可以把它們放在一起,成為獨一無二圖案的人,而那就是你的人生。』---John Garder





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