"Give to a gracious message a host of tongues,
but let ill tidings tell themselves,
when they be felt"
Shakespeare 莎士比亞 安東尼 & 克莉奧佩特拉
To whom it may concern:
Before the main declaration, you must be noted that the following information is critical and highly confidential; therefore, it will be deleted after reading due to its importance.
Also, be kindly informed of that I am more than happy to remember almost every single speech that you make a display of yourself to me, to this day, I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate your hard work on expressing yourself without any hesitation to its greatest extent.
Believe or not, I tried again and again to figure if there is any way I can make you understand anything I said, which I guess it wouldn’t matter after all since you are kind of focusing only on yourself, and of course, I understand truly there should have nothing more important than that.
If you would ever so kind to listen thoroughly to others for a second, you shall see this world is way bigger than your narrow cognition. As so, I can guarantee the realization of empathy will arrive sooner for good.
It is saying that “once you ego and self-esteem are at stake, you begin defending yourself instead of the point you are making”. Of this warning, I often do self-reflection and examine carefully to avoid making these mistakes, and I strongly suggest you to do the same.
In a nutshell, I disagree to what you said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. If there is a take away, please try on god’s sake to not staying at the center of yourself. All right then, I have to assume you may not understand anything of this declaration, but so be it.